深圳隔熱廠家:常用英文幕墻術語大全(中英翻譯) 二維碼
發表時間:2019-10-10 14:16 深圳隔熱廠家:常用英文幕墻術語大全(中英翻譯)建筑幕墻 building curtain wall 結構膠 structural glazing sealant 玻璃幕墻 glass curtain wall 耐候膠 weather proofing sealant 明框玻璃幕墻 exposed framing curtain wall 雙面膠帶 double-faced adhesion band--- D.S.T. = DOUBLE SIDE TAPE 半隱框玻璃幕墻 semi-exposed glass curtain wall-semi-exposed framing glass cutain wall 接觸腐蝕 contact corrosion 隱框玻璃幕墻 hidden framing glass curtain wall 相容性 compatibility 全玻璃幕墻 full glass curtain wall 內層幕墻強度 tension of the internal curtain wall---strength of the internal curtain wall 斜玻璃幕墻 inclined glass curtain wall 剛度 rigidity 金屬幕墻 metal curtain wall 熱通道的熱阻 thermal resistance of the heat path 石材幕墻 stone curtain wall 中空玻璃 hollowed glass -----Insulating Glass Unit (IGU) 組合幕墻 composite curtain wall 白玻 clear glass 斜建筑幕墻 inclined building curtain wall 密封膠 glazing sealant 單元建筑幕墻 unit building curtain wall 支乘裝置 support device-supporting device 小單元建筑幕墻 small unit building curtain wall 支乘結構 support structure-supporting structure 結構玻璃幕墻 structural glass curtain wall 玻璃面板 glass panel 熱反射鍍膜幕墻 heat reflecting coated curtain wall 傳熱系數 heat conducting coefficient-coefficient of thermal transmission 吊掛式玻璃幕墻 suspended glass curtain wall 保溫 heat preservation 點支式玻璃幕墻 point supported glass curtain wall 遮陽 sun shading-----sunshade 圍護性幕墻 enclosing curtain wall 隔熱 heat insulation 裝飾性幕墻 decorative faced curtain wall 浮法玻璃 float glass 真空玻璃雙層幕墻 double-layer curtain wall of vacuum glass-double-skin insulated glass curtain wall 鋼化玻璃 toughened glass---Tempered glass 干掛石材幕墻 dry-hanging stone curtain wall 半鋼化玻璃 "half toughened glass---Heat strengthened glass" 掛鉤式幕墻 pot hook curtain wall 風荷載標準值 wind load standard value 熱反射鍍膜幕墻 heat reflecting coated curtain wall 傳導熱阻 conducting thermal resistance----thermal-conduction resistance 圍護性幕墻 enclosing curtain wall 輻射換熱熱阻 heat radiation thermal resistance 裝飾性幕墻 decorative faced curtain wall 雙跨連續梁 continuous beam of two spans 熱反射鍍膜幕墻 heat reflecting coated curtain wall 溫度應力 thermal stress 裝配誤差應力 assembly error stress 立柱 pillar/Mullion 斯蒂芬-波爾茲曼常數 Stefan-Boltzmann’s constant 支點 fulcrum 努塞爾準數 Nusselt number 固定鉸支座 stationary reamer bearing 格拉曉夫準數 Grashof number 滑動鉸支座 slide reamer bearing 普朗特準數 Prandtl number 龍骨 keel-joist 冪指數 power exponent Power Index 附加彎距 additionsl bending moment-secondary moment 美國建筑物制造協會AAMA American Architectural Manufacturers Association 鋁合金 aluminium alloy 美國材料試驗協會ASTM American Society For Testing And Materials 均布荷載 uniform load 彈性模量 elasticity modulus---modulus of elasticity 《建筑結構荷載規范》(2006年版)GB50009-2001 Load Code For The Design Of Building Structures (2006 version)GB50009-2001 比熱 specific heat 《建筑抗震設計規范》GB50011-2001 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2001 修正系數 modified coefficient---compensation factor 《玻璃幕墻工程技術規范》JGJ 102-2003 Technical Code for Glass Curtain Wall Engineering JGJ 102-2003 換熱系數 heat transfer coefficient 《金屬與石材幕墻工程技術規范》JGJ 133-2001 Technical Code for Metal and Stone Curtain Walls Engineering JGJ 133-2001 抗彎剛度 flexural stiffness---flexural rigidity 《建筑幕墻》JG 3035-1996 Building Curtain Walls JG 3035-1996 折減系數 reduction coefficient 《建筑幕墻物理性能分級》GB/T 15225-1994 Graduation Of Physical Performances For Building Curtain Walls GB/T 15225-1994 槽鋼 channel steel-channel 《點支式玻璃幕墻工程技術規程》CECS 127:2001 Technical specification for point supported glass curtain wall CECS 127:2001 角鋼 angle iron/steel-angle steel 《外通風雙層幕墻制作、安裝、驗收標準》QB/JH001-2005 "Fabrication, installation and acceptance test of external ventilated double skin facade QB/JH001-2005 " 絕緣墊 insulation washer 《點支式玻璃幕墻支承裝置》JG 138-2001 The support device of point supported glass curtain wall JG 138-2001 焊縫 welding line 《吊掛式玻璃幕墻支承裝置》JG 139-2001 The support device of suspended glass curtain wall JG 139-2001 外圍護結構 periphery structure-enclosure construction 《干掛飾面石材及其金屬掛件》JC 830.1~830.2-2005 Dry-hanging facing building stone and fixing metal systems JC 830.1~830.2-2005 相互干擾增大系數 mutual interference enhancement coefficient 《玻璃幕墻光學性能》GB/T 18091-2000 Optical Properties Of Glass Curtain Walls GB/T 18091-2000 檐口 cornice-eaves 《建筑幕墻工程技術規程(玻璃幕墻分冊)》DBJ 08-56-1996 Technical code for glass curtain wall engineering DBJ 08-56-1996 雨棚 awning---connpy--canopy 遮陽板 sun shield---sun visor 中梃 muntin 風洞試驗 "wind tunnel experiment---wind tunnel test-expriment in wind tunnel" 抗震結構層間位移角限值 allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 偏心距增大系數 amplified coefficient of eccentricity 螺栓 bolt 建筑結構單元 building structural unit 鋼筋混凝土 prestressed concrete -----reinforced concrete 均布活荷載標準值 characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load ----standard value of uniformly distributed live load 鋼壓彎構件等效彎矩系數 coefficient of equivalent bending moment of eccentrically loaded steel memher(beam-column) "紅字體表示修改的內容 藍色字體表示最后修改的字體,所有修改依據基于簡明建筑工程詞匯手冊" 地震作用標準值 characteristic value of earthquake action-----standard value of earthquake action 界限偏心距 balanced eccentricity 樓面、屋面活荷載標準值 characteristic value of live load on floor or roof----standard value of live load on floor or roof 鋼材牌號 designations of steel 尺寸偏差 dimensional errors-size deviation 抗震設計 earthquake-resistant design-aseismic design 計算長度 effective length---calculated length-effective length 彈性地基板 elastic foundation plate 局部抗壓強度提高系數 enhanced coefficient of local bearing strength of materials 等效均布活荷載 equivalent uniformly distributed live load 換算長細比 equivalent slenderness ratio 歐拉臨界力 euler's critical load 風壓高度變化系數 height variation factor of wind pressure 樓層側移剛度 lateral displacement stiffness of storey 多道設防抗震建筑 multi—defence system of earthquake—resistant building 墊板 padding plate---base plate 平面結構 plane structure 建筑結構材料性能 property of building structural materials 木材質量等級 quality grade of structural timber 建筑結構安全等級 safety classes of building structures 鋼管 steel pipe-steel tube 鋼帶 steel strip 渦紋 swirl grain 墻板結構 wall—slab structure 墻梁 wall beam 風振系數 wind fluttering factor 從屬面積 tributary area 基本風壓 reference wind load-wind reference pressure 落地櫥窗 french window 飄窗 bay window 夾層玻璃 laminated glass 有機玻璃 plastic glazing 半透明墻和屋頂組合件 translucent wall & roof assemblies 通風和排氣口 louvers and vents 可拆卸隔墻 demountable partitions 臨界荷載 critical load 臨界面 critical surface 對流通風 cross ventilation 水泥板 cementitious decks----floor slab 有色金屬及合金 non-ferrous metals & alloys 輕質板材 light board 龍骨系統 metal support assembles---keel system 耐火材料 refractories-fire-resistive material 采光板 daylighting panels-lighting slab 玻璃釬焊料 glass brazing filler metal 支撐物 supporting 校正發射率 revised emissivity 截面彎曲剛度 flexural rigidity of section-bending rigidity of section 構件抗彎剛度 flexural stiffness of member-bending rigidity of member 樓板 floor plate -floor slab 框架結構 frame structure 基礎設施 Infrastructure 剪力墻 shear wall 偏心距 eccentric distance-eccentricity 澆注 pouring 澆注混凝土 concreting-placing concrete 換算截面面積 area of transformed section 塞焊縫 plug weld 規則抗震建筑 regular earthquake—resistant building 鉚釘連接 riveted connection 無縫鋼管 seamless steel pipe/tube 換算截面慣性矩 second moment of area of tranformed section----moment of intertia of tranformed section 風荷載體型系數 shape factor of wind load 簡支梁 simple beam-simply-supported beam 設計強度 design strength 屋架 roof truss 現澆鋼筋混凝土結構 cast-in-place reinforced concrete 橫截面 cross section 承載力 bearing capacity-carrying capacity 腳手架 "scaffold, scaffolding" 排氣閥 outlet valve----vent valve 允許偏差 allowable tolerance 重直度 verticality -perpendicularity 水平度 levelness 交流電 alternating current 穿堂風 draught/cross ventilation 膠合板模板 Plywood formwork----Plywood templet 組合外墻 exterior wall assemblies-outer compound wall 懸臂梁 cantilever beam 壓花玻璃 Figured glass -pattern glass 摩耳 Fixing lug 格子 Grille 慣性矩 Inertia moment -moment of inertia 夾層玻璃 Laminated glass 磨光玻璃 Polished glass 反射玻璃 Reflective glass 簡支梁 Simply supported beam 概念設計 design Concept 金屬隔片 metal spacer 施工圖 shop drawing 竣工圖 as-built drawing- record drawings 螺紋連接 screwed connection-----threaded connection 玻璃幕墻南立面圖 CURTAIN WALL SOUTH ELEVATION 玻璃幕墻西立面圖 CURTAIN WALL WEST ELEVATION 玻璃幕墻北立面圖 CURTAIN WALL NORTH ELEVATION 玻璃幕墻展示圖 CURTAIN WALL DEVELOPMENT 玻璃幕墻剖面圖 CURTAIN WALL SECTION 玻璃幕墻部份立面圖 CURTAIN WALL PARTIAL ELEVATION 玻璃幕墻標準層平面圖 CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PLAN 玻璃幕墻標準層預埋件平面圖 CURTAIN WALL TYPICAL PRE-CAST LAYOUT PLAN 玻璃幕墻節點圖 CURTAIN WALL DETAIL 預埋件 Embedment- embedded parts 剛性絕緣體 RIGID INSULATION 遮陽系數 sun-shading coefficient-sun shading ratio 采光頂 Skylight 剪力墻 shear wall (柱)間距緊湊 close interval 配件預制 prefabrication 殼體結構 shell system-shell structure 束筒體系 bundled tube system (受力)臨界點,相變點 critical point 網架結構 grid structure 耐候性 resistance against weathering 偏心地/偏心的 Eccentrically/eccentric 順風 (背風) Downwind (leeward) 迎風 Upwind windward 泊桑比 Poisson’s Ratio 支托 Bracket (突然)開孔 (sudden) opening drilling 退火玻璃 annealed glass 人造的 artificial 透明玻璃 clear glass / transparent glass 對角線 diagonal 平面圖、設計圖 plan-plane figure.design drawing 預埋 pre-cast (embed) 通用柱 universal column 標題:深圳隔熱廠家:常用英文幕墻術語大全(中英翻譯) 來源:建筑幕墻 |